Modelled seabed sediment average grain size in the European North-East Atlantic and Mediterranean waters
Sediment average grain size in the European North-East Atlantic and Mediterranean waters was generated from Euseamap 2023 sediment categories. This rough granulometry estimate may be used for habitat models at meso- and large scale.
Date(s)Date(s) |
Author(s)Auteur(s) | Jade Millot
Sandrine Vaz (Ifremer) |
Contact(s)Contact(s) | sextant
SourceSource |
Ifremer |
ConstraintsContraintes |
Spatial informationsInformations géographiques |
Citation proposalProposition de citation
Jade Millot, Sandrine Vaz (2024).Modelled seabed sediment average grain size in the European North-East Atlantic and Mediterranean waters.sextant