Pooled samples of mantle tissues from P. margaritifera - Project AMELIGEN color Fev. 2018
Whole genome pooled sequencing of individuals from 4 populations and 3 different color phenotype in order to uncover the genetic variants linked to color expression in the pearl oyster P. margaritifera.
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Source Source |
Ifremer - Unité Ressources Marines en Polynésie |
Lineage Généalogie |
The present dataset was acquired through the convention AMELIGEN between Ifremer, DRMM and CRIOBE. Fresh mantle tissue was dissected from individuals of 4 different populations (Katiou, Rikitea, Takapoto, and hatchery from Gambier) and 3 different color phenotypes of P. margaritifera. DNA extraction performed with a Qiagen Blood and Tissue kit (Qiagen), following manufacturer's indications. Each sample represent a pool of about 20 individuals from a unique geographic location and for a unique phenotype. Sequences were obtained though a shotgun PCRfree 150PE sequencing on a HiSeq X Ten machine (with TruSeq LT adapters). Sample QC and libraries preparation and QC were performed by Genome Quebec, Quebec, Canada. The present dataset is composed of the raw output produced directly by Genome Quebec (fastq.gz format) for the 12 DNA pools sequenced (three phenotypes per population, four populations). |
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Spatial informations Informations géographiques |